Watch :: Story of Self

On the 18th of September Tatua Kenya hosted a training for COGRI alumni at Nyumbani Children’s Home. Tony Ngala, one of Tatua’s Community Organizers, demonstrated Story of Self. He talked about a time in his life where he chose to be a leader despite uncertainty.

To watch the video on Youtube follow this link or click the video below:

Watch :: Story of Now

On the 18th of September Tatua Kenya hosted a training for COGRI alumni at Nyumbani Children’s Home. James Njoroge, one of Tatua Kenya’s Community Organizers, demonstrated Story of Now. He talked about the importance of youth stepping into leadership in Kenya.

James said, “I celebrate the way we had the training at Nyumbani, it was a good training because they participants wanted to learn more.”

Watch the Video on Youtube:

Update :: Tatua Builds Partnerships for Greater Impact

Sign describing services offered at Hope World Wide Kenya in Makuru
Sign describing services offered at Hope World Wide Kenya in Mukuru

Kenneth Chomba, Co-Founder and Field Manager shares about how Tatua Kenya is building partnerships for change with other organizations in Kenya. 

Kenneth Chomba, Tatua Kenya Field Manager, teaching at a training at Nyumbani Children's Home.
Kenneth Chomba, Tatua Kenya Field Manager, teaching at a training at Nyumbani Children’s Home.

In the past week, Natalie and I had the opportunity to visit one of Hope worldwide projects based at the heart of Mukuru kwa Reuben, one of the informal settlements in the capital, Nairobi. Hope worldwide has an incredible staff that is grounded on offering services that will help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in the slum area. In just one visit, I realized that there activities were so coherent and easily identify to their goal. I remember saying to the team that it feels like I have known this place for too long. The project is a case of worth partnerships that have worked together to develop different programs at the centre that will help steer the community towards an HIV free generation.

They have managed to offer clinical tests and management of HIV/AIDS, Counseling services, care for orphaned and vulnerable children and several tertiary courses that are taught to community members at a very minimal cost. Benson, the coordinator of the institution also brought to our attention that the land in which the centre is established was donated by the community through its local administration. The organization has been in Mukuru for a couple of years. One question I asked the team from Hope, “why do you think the spread of HIV/AIDS exists? Is it utter ignorance from the victims or lack of information about the causes of HIV/AIDS?” Most of the answers we got touched on poverty. However, we do know that there are HIV victims coming from wealthy and informed backgrounds. It is with this realization that we started looking towards a behavioral change approach to prevention of HIV/AIDS spread. Tatua Kenya is excited on the possibilities of having a fellow jointly with Hope worldwide that would work in Mukuru on an initiative towards behavior change for prevention of HIV/AIDS spread.

In the same week, Tatua Kenya hosted a public Narrative training in partnership with Children of God Relief Institute (COGRI) at their Karen Head Quarters. The training brought together COGRI alumni from Lea toto, Nyumbani Village and Nyumbani Home all part of COGRI projects. Most of the children graduating from the program are orphaned children from poor backgrounds. Tatua Kenya is looking to having a fellow jointly with COGRI that would start a campaign that looks to create, strengthen and implement policies towards the care of orphaned and vulnerable children in Kenya from the bottom going up. Tatua and COGRI entered a consensus that we would hold a one day training to build relationships with the alumni who would be potential candidates to the 2 year fellowship. Tatua is excited to start this partnership with COGRI from the overwhelming expression of interest to join the fellowship from the participants of this training. We are now on course to open the application process for the candidates in a few weeks.